Mom & Dad as Individuals
Empowered Mom, Empowered Dad
“The parenting journey has the potential to be an especially regenerative experience for both parent and child, where every moment is a meeting of spirits, and both parent and child appreciate that each dances on a spiritual path that’s unique, holding hands yet alone”
– The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
Even though you are an adult, you’re still growing up.
These sessions are designed for:
New Parent
Already a Parent
Single Moms/Dads
Step Parent
“You will teach them how to live with your unacknowledged fears, your rejected emptiness, your forgotten lies – all the while unaware you are doing so. Such is the power of unacknowledged lostness”
–The Conscious Parent by Dr. Shefali Tsabary
This uniquely tailored program will focus on slightly different topics & beliefs depending on where you are at in life. In each category, one thing remains the same; YOU! We always work to transform your past programming from your personal childhood so you can be the best parent possible.
Transform your childhood programming (so you do not pass it onto your children)
How will having a baby change your relationship to your partner, or other children
Concern of added responsibility of being a parent
Pre-program beliefs regarding body image/health of mom after baby arrives (postpartum)
Fear of “What if I’m not a good mom/dad?”
“How will this baby change our finances?”
New Parent:
Transform your childhood programming (so you do not pass it onto your children)
Transform traumatic birth experience (for mom, dad/partner, and baby)
How has having a baby changed your relationship to your partner, or other children?
Added overwhelming sense of responsibility of being a new parent
Overcome and re-program beliefs regarding body image/health of mom after baby arrives (postpartum)
Breast feeding challenges
Experience of “I don’t know what I’m doing?”
Returning to work after baby arrives
Intimacy within the partnership
Already a Parent:
Transform your childhood programming (so you STOP passing it onto your children)
How has having kids changed your relationship to your partner?
Balancing Work and Family life
Effective communication between you and your partner/children
Finances within the family
Intimacy within the partnership
Maintaining your individuality
Single Moms/Dads
Transform your childhood programming (so you STOP passing it onto your children)
Transform guilt, anger, sadness from divorce or partners passing
Balancing work and family life as a single parent
Effective communication between you and your Ex-Partner
If divorced family, navigating the waters of parenting from two households
Beliefs about dating again/introducing someone new into your kids’ lives
How personal finances change as a single parent
Step Parent
Transform your childhood programming (so you DON’T/STOP passing it onto your step children)
Transform negative programming about being a Step parent
Balancing work and family life as a mixed family
Effective communication between you and your step kids
Varying values in disciplinary action between parents
Finances with a “mixed-family”
It is strongly encouraged to pair this series with both the Empowered Parents & Empowered Family programs.
Be an Empowered Parent
Learn if the uniquely tailored
Empowered Mom/Empowered Dad Program is right for you!
Call/Email me to schedule your complimentary
Empowered Mom/Dad Discovery Session Now!
Tashina@Empowered2Greatness.com or 719.661.3435 (PST)